Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sunshine and Nailpolish

210) sun streaming through windows...even though they need washing....
211) nail polish carefully applied on long brown haired girls hands and on long blond haired girls carefully choosen rock...a year of yes!
212) two nights in a row...staying home, enjoying rest!
213) twinkle in the eyes of blond haired boy as he roller blades on the driveway
214) an I-can-do-it-attitude in little one, I think I can...I think I can....memories!
215) friends who treat my kids as family...thank you
216) hard working man, strong hands, gentle eyes
217) simple meals filling tummies
218) my kitchen window watching sun rise, my living room window...beautiful sunsets
219) friends who stay up all night, polishing SUV and shopping at Meijers!
220) my church....my home away from home.

1 comment:

  1. I remember painting rocks when I was little and then selling them!!! For 1 cent each!!!
