Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Sounds of a Home

Today I have time to listen, time to reflect on the things I am thankful to hear:

111) white and black keys, memory guided fingers

112) copper tones in windows

113) the ticking of kitchen clock (with four children...it is seldom heard) can quiet be this loud?

114) the silence of snowflakes
115) dear husbands heartbeat, steady...quiet, just like him
116) laughter as they play... together
117) music that lifts the soul
118) knock on door....quick visit from one whose name means same as mine
119) words from ancient book with new telling; Mathew 5.....thoughts on giving (I especially like the Message version of this)
120) sweet nothings.....that mean everything...
What is the sound of a home? What do I want our children to remember as they grow older and eventually make homes of their own? They...the experts..say that certain sights, smells and sounds can bring memories flooding back to us. I am challanged today to make the sounds of our home wonderful pleasant memories. May the sounds of our home be filled with warm encouraging words, laughter...those deep belly laughs inherited from family of mine, tears of joy from some family story re-telling, this is the cadence of sounds I want remembered. The warm conversation of ones that drop in...kitchen table conversation, comfortable sit back and stay-a-while conversation. To be drawn to the melody of our home, this I want. The harmony in discussion of ones whose lives reflect Him. The sound of husband and wife whispering, the safe secure sound of silence when volumes are spoken within a glance. For these things I am thankful....Lord, thank you for teaching me to listen.
Let all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee: and let such as love thy salvation say continually, Let God be magnified. Psalm 70:4


  1. Love your list...it was a blessing.


    A very thought provoking question that I will ponder on today.

    Thank you for blessing me with your list.

    Holding on to His Hand,


  2. I love thinking about the "sounds of home" and what I want that to be in my children's memories one day.
