Friday, April 16, 2010

Things I am thankful for....

181) parents home from Florida...nice to have you close again!
182) the sounds of birds singing... one day when I was up doing my devotions early in the morning, when the sun was just beginning to rise I heard the lovely sound of birds singing and I couldn't help but think of the worship song that reminds us of how when morning dawns and evening fades, He inspires songs of praise... now every time I hear birds singing I think of this song! I could just imagine that maybe when God created birds He gave them the desire to sing early in the morning, just to remind us of praising Him.
183) little ones going to bed, and big ones tucking them in.
184) birthday parties, and celebrations!
185) my wonderful dear husband, who works hard everyday so I can stay home and be a caretaker for my family...I am so blessed. Thank you for giving so much for our family.
186) my church family and a special young lady that happens to play the piano, and is an accountant and means alot to our family...
187) little Lilly and getting way to big Eric as they start a new year
188) new dishwasher detergent that actually cleans....small things
189) green grass, and gardens beginning to sprout


  1. I love this! It is so easy to think that we dont have much to be thankful for...but if we look we have soooo much!

  2. Thank you so much for your comment...I went to your blog and enjoyed your post! Welcome.
